U.S. Senate testimony: “Lending Opportunities: Opening the Door to Homeownership in Indian Country”

Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

On Oct. 16, 2019, Center for Indian Country Development Director and Minneapolis Fed Assistant Vice President Patrice H. Kunesh testified before the U.S. Senate’s Indian Affairs Committee about the need for more housing and improved access to affordable lending on reservations. She said that “byzantine BIA processes” create impediments to on-reservation housing, impediments that have deprived Native people and their families “from building personal assets. Those processes also have discouraged investments to create prosperity among our Native communities.”

Native Nations
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Patrice H. Kunesh. October 16, 2019. “Lending Opportunities: Opening the Door to Homeownership in Indian Country” Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. (https://www.minneapolisfed.org/speeches/2019/us-senate-testimony-lending-opportunities, accessed June 4, 2024)

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