Indigenous Governance Database
Laws and Codes

Warrior Lawyers: Defenders of Sacred Justice (Trailer)
'Warrior Lawyers: Defenders of Sacred Justice' is a one-hour PBS documentary that is particularly timely and relevant given our country's current reckoning with racial inequity and systemic racism. The program focuses on the stories of Native American Lawyers, Tribal Judges and their colleagues who…

Indigenous Peoples Breathing Data Back | Stephanie Russo Carroll | TEDxUArizona
Indigenous peoples have been successfully working with data for millennia, and Dr. Stephanie Russo Carroll posits a way to bring “databack” into relationship with our messy, 3D, colonized world at TEDxUArizona. Discover the power of Indigenous Data Sovereignty and its role in reconnecting…

Karuk Cultural Information & Knowledge Policy Statement: Sípnuuk Digital Library, Archives and Museum
U.S. Copyright Laws privilege western intellectual property systems and function as an enforcement tool for ongoing colonial rule over our documented traditional Karuk knowledge. Karuk cultural heritage documentation is currently and has historically been subject to United States Copyright laws,…

Indigenous Land Acknowledgment
Native Governance Center co-hosted an Indigenous land acknowledgment event with the Lower Phalen Creek Project on Indigenous Peoples’ Day 2019 (October 14). The event featured the following talented panelists: Dr. Kate Beane (Flandreau Santee Dakota and Muskogee Creek) Mary Lyons (Leech Lake Band…

"Modern Tribal Governments, Constitutions, and Sovereignty" Session at NCAI's Annual Convention
This session, convened by NCAI at its 2014 Annual Convention, chronicled the growing movement by tribal nations to reform and strengthen their constitutions in order to reflect and preserve their distinct cultures and ways of life, more effectively address their contemporary challenges, and achieve…

Archaeology and Social Justice in Native America
Over the past 20 years, collaboration has become an essential aspect of archaeological practice in North America. In paying increased attention to the voices of descendant and local communities, archaeologists have become aware of the persistent injustices these often marginalized groups face.…

Determi-Nation podcast with Darrah Blackwater
Determi-Nation is a series of conversations with Indigenous people doing incredible things to strengthen sovereignty and self-determination in their communities.

Blood Quantum and Sovereignty
"Blood Quantum and Sovereignty" is a beginner-level conversation focused on why blood quantum is controversial, as well as how it came to be used as an enrollment and citizenship criteria for Native nations. Produced and recorded by Native Governance Center on March 30, 2022. Featuring: Wayne…

Using Indigenous Standards to Implement the CARE Principles: Setting Expectations through Tribal Research Codes
Biomedical data are now organized in large-scale databases allowing researchers worldwide to access and utilize the data for new projects. As new technologies generate even larger amounts of data, data governance and data management are becoming pressing challenges. The FAIR principles (Findable,…

Uniform Commercial Codes: Bringing Business to Indian Country. Tribal Secured Transactions Laws: A Working Forum
During "Uniform Commercial Codes: Bringing Business to Indian Country", a conference on January 15, 2013, sponsored by The Federal Reserve Banks of Minneapolis, Kansas City, and San Francisco and the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development, Susan Woodrow…

Fostering global data sharing: highlighting the recommendations of the Research Data Alliance COVID-19 working group
The systemic challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic require cross-disciplinary collaboration in a global and timely fashion. Such collaboration needs open research practices and the sharing of research outputs, such as data and code, thereby facilitating research and research reproducibility and…

Stephen Roe Lewis: Effective Tribal Leadership for Change
Stephen Roe Lewis has been serving two terms as the Governor of the Gila River Indian Community. He follows a strong tradition and family legacy of leadership for the Akimel O’otham and Pee-Posh people in this desert riparian region of Arizona. Governor Lewis has worked on numerous political…

Shannon Keller O'Loughlin: Native Leadership and Lasting Commitment
Shannon Keller O'Loughlin, Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, is an attorney and the Executive Director of the Association on American Indian Affairs. Shannon was also the former Chief of Staff, National Indian Gaming Commission, a member of President Obama’s NAGPRA Review Committee, and a Cultural…

Rebecca Tsosie: Indigenous Sustainability and Resilience to Climate Extremes
The School of Geography & Development presented the “My Arizona” Lecture of Prof. Rebecca Tsosie, Regents Professor of Law at Univeristy of Arizona on Friday, November 1, 2019. Her lecture, "Indigenous Sustainability and Resilience to Climate Extremes: Traditional…

Politics, Indian Law, and the Constitution
The question whether Congress may create legal classifications based on Indian status under the Fifth Amendment’s Due Process Clause is not reaching a critical point. Critics claim the Constitution allows no room to create race or ancestry based legal classifications. The critics are wrong. When it…

Herminia Frias: Native Women in Governance
Herminia “Minnie” Frias, Councilwoman, Pascua Yaqui Tribal Council. Councilwoman Frias shares her journey of being a Native woman leader, drawing from her experience in serving on her Nation’s Tribal Council both as a Chairwoman, and as a Council Member. Frias was the youngest person and first…

Shannon Keller O'Loughlin: Native Women in Governance
Shannon Keller O'Loughlin, Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, is an attorney and the Executive Director of the Association on American Indian Affairs. Shannon was also the former Chief of Staff, National Indian Gaming Commission, a member of President Obama’s NAGPRA Review Committee, and a Cultural…

Michael Kanentakeron Mitchell: Stories and Reflections on Indigenous Governance
Former Grand Chief Michael Kanentakeron Mitchell of the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne recently stepped down from his role as Grand Chief after decades of building a strong independent jurisdiction. Chief Mitchell offers some of his stories and reflections in indigenous governance that…

Blackfeet Nation Constitution
The Blackfeet Nation is located in Northern Montana at the Canadian border. It has a population of 16,500 people and the tribe was artificially divided by the U.S.-Canadian border. The constitution was enacted in 1934 and amended in 1962, 1978, and 1998. PREAMBLE: We, the adult members of the…

Overcoming the Politics of Reform: The Story of the 1999 Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma Constitutional Convention
A pressing international challenge is developing processes of constitution-making that manage the politics of reform and produce legitimate and effective constitutions. This challenge is of special concern for numerous American Indian nations that have been embroiled in dual governments and…