Economic and Community Development

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Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and Self-Determination in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States

Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and Self-Determination in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States

Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States are among the world’s wealthiest nations. It is an often noted irony–and an occasional source of embarrassment to the governments of these countries–that the Indigenous peoples within their borders are in each case among their poorest citizens.

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Bad River Chippewa Recycling Solid Waste Department

Bad River Recycling/Solid Waste Department

The Bad River Recycling/Solid Waste Department created environmentally sound practices of managing and disposing of waste generated on the reservation, ending cycles of harm to tribal citizens, lands, and water. Historically, waste was not only hazardous, but noticeable and abundant on reservation…

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The Context and Meaning of Family Strengthening in Indian America

The Context and Meaning of Family Strengthening in Indian America

This report presents five specific, field-based case studies of successful efforts to support the well-being of Native American children. These successful programs were conceived of, implemented by, and generally funded by Tribal communities. These programs include the Ya Ne Day ah School in…

Borrowing Trouble: Predatory Lending in Native American Communities

Borrowing Trouble: Predatory Lending in Native American Communities

With the collapse of the subprime mortgage lending market, predatory lending has become a significant national concern. In Native communities, however, predatory lending has been a major concern for years, since abusive lending practices have tended to proliferate more in minority and low-income…

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Determinants of Development Success in the Native Nations of the United States (English)

Determinants of Development Success in the Native Nations of the United States (English)

The poverty of indigenous North Americans, especially those living on reservations, has concerned Indian and federal policymakers for more than a century. After the treaty making phase and the establishment of the reservation system, federal policies to address Native poverty vacillated between…

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Bitsi' Yishtlizhii Dine'é Binaaish Binahji' Yéego Bee Bidziilgo Deiilyeedigii

Bitsi' Yishtlizhii Dine'é Binaaish Binahji' Yéego Bee Bidziilgo Deiíl­yeedígíí­

The poverty of Indigenous North Americans, especially those living on reservations, has concerned Indian and federal policymakers for more than a century. After the treaty-making phase and the establishment of the reservation system, federal policies to address Native poverty vacillated between…

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Determinantes de sucesso no desenvolvimentodas nacões Indígenas dos Estados Unidos (Portuguese)

Determinantes de sucesso no desenvolvimentodas nacoes Indígenas dos Estados Unidos (Portuguese)

A pobreza dos indígenas norte-americanos, principalmente daqueles que vivem nas reservas, tem preocupado os responsáveis pela definição de políticas indígenas e federais por mais de um século. Depois da fase de negociação dos tratados e do estabelecimento do sistema de reservas, as medidas…

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Determinantes del Éxito del desarrollo En las Naciones nativas de los Estados Unidos (Spanish)

Determinantes del Éxito del desarrollo En las Naciones nativas de los Estados Unidos (Spanish)

La pobreza de los indígenas norteamericanos, especialmente los que viven en las reservaciones, han preocupado ambos políticos Indígenas y Federales por más de un siglo. Después de la fase de la fabricación del tratado y del establecimiento del sistema de reservación, las políticas federales para…

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The Financial Literacy of Native American Youth

The Financial Literacy of Native American Youth

Tests of high school students conducted by the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy indicate that Native American youth are less prepared to make informed financial choices than most of their peers. Jump$tart and the members of the Native Financial Education Coalition (NFEC) are…

The Nature and Components of Economic Development in Indian Country

The Nature and Components of Economic Development in Indian Country

Defines what economic development means and how it applies in Indian Country; looks at the changing patterns of Indian Country economic development; debunks some of the myths and misconceptions about economic development in Native nations; suggests policy options for both Indigenous nations and the…

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What Makes First Nations Enterprises Successful? Lessons from the Harvard Project

What Makes First Nations Enterprises Successful? Lessons from the Harvard Project

Some enterprises owned and operated by Native nations do well, and others don't. Of course this is true of all businesses--some succeed and others fail--and there are numerous reasons why. After all, building a successful business is a complex and challenging task. But in these and many other cases…

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Seizing the Future: Why Some Native Nations Do and Others Don't

Seizing the Future: Why Some Native Nations Do and Others Don't

Both research and the experience among Native nations daily drive home the conclusion that the so-called "nation-building" approach holds the keys to self-determined social, political, and economic development for indigenous communities. This approach emphasizes the critical role of asserting…

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Two Approaches to Economic Development on American Indian Reservations: One Works, the Other Doesn't

Two Approaches to Economic Development on American Indian Reservations: One Works, the Other Doesn't

As much of the world knows, American Indian nations are poor. What much of the world doesn't know is that in the last quarter century, a number of these nations have broken away from the prevailing pattern of poverty. They have moved aggressively to take control of their futures and rebuild their…

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History's Lesson for HUD and Tribes

History's Lesson for HUD and Tribes

In 1998, Indian housing entered a new era. HUD ended its practice of channeling funds for Washington-designed Indian housing programs to HUD-sponsored local Indian Housing Authorities (IHAs) and converted programmatic funds into block grants to tribal housing agencies, which were allowed to design…

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Reloading the Dice: Improving the Chances for Economic Development on American Indian Reservations

Reloading the Dice: Improving the Chances for Economic Development on American Indian Reservations

The experiences of a wide array of societies around the world amply demonstrate that achieving sustained, self-determined economic development is a complex and difficult task. Certainly this is the case on the Indian reservations of the United States, where numerous obstacles face tribal leaders,…

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Alaska Native Self-Government and Service Delivery- What Works

Alaska Native Self-Government and Service Delivery: What Works?

The Native peoples of Alaska have governed themselves for far longer than either the State of Alaska or the United States. Indeed, their rights of self-government are properly defended as basic human rights that are not unilaterally extinguishable by these other governments. Yet, today an…

Sovereignty and Nation-Building: The Development Challenge in Indian Country Today

Sovereignty and Nation-Building: The Development Challenge in Indian Country Today

The Indian nations of the United States face a rare opportunity. This is not the occasional business opportunity of reservation legend, when some eager investor would arrive at tribal offices with a proposal guaranteed to produce millions of dollars for the tribe--although such investors still…

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Social and Economic Consequences of Indian Gaming in Oklahoma

Social and Economic Consequences of Indian Gaming in Oklahoma

Much has been written in the mainstream press about Indian gaming and its impact on Indian and non-Indian communities. The debate, however, tends to be focused on Class III or “casino-style” gaming. The effects of Class II gaming have largely been overlooked by the press and, unfortunately, by the…

Native Nations and Arizona's Economy

Native Nations and Arizona's Economy

American Indians are disproportionately represented among the low-income residents of the state of Arizona. Across the United States, including in Arizona, reservation economies are growing at a fast pace but low starting points for growth mean that it will take years for American…

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Gila River Law Enforcement Program

Gila River Law Enforcement Program

Serving a population of 17,000, the 92-employee Gila River Police Department operates a multifaceted law enforcement program that includes community-based policing, neighborhood block watch programs, a citizen’s police academy, and bike patrols. Since assuming control over law enforcement in 1998,…