Economic and Community Development

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Grand Traverse Band's Land Claims Distribution Trust Fund

Grand Traverse Band's Land Claims Distribution Trust Fund

After 26 years of negotiation with the US government over how monies from a land claims settlement would be distributed, the Band assumed financial control over the settlement by creating a Trust Fund system that provides annual payments in perpetuity to Band elders for supplementing their social…

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San Carlos Apache Elders Cultural Advisory Council

San Carlos Apache Elders Cultural Advisory Council

The Elders Cultural Advisory Council was formed by a resolution of the San Carlos Tribal Council in 1993 to advise on culturally related matters, to consult with off-reservation entities, and to administer and oversee cultural preservation activities. As a source of traditional wisdom, the Elders…

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Umatilla Cultural Resources Protection Program

Umatilla Cultural Resources Protection Program

Frustrated by how tribal cultural resources were managed on tribal, federal, state, and private lands, the Tribes developed their own cultural resources protection program. The 15-year-old program is a leader in educating non-Indian agencies about pertinent laws and treaties, strengthening cultural…

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Citizen Potawatomi Community Development Corporation

Citizen Potawatomi Community Development Corporation

Viewed as a one-stop shop for lending services, the Citizen Potawatomi Community Development Corporation provides holistic community development through business and employee loans, business development trainings, and financial literacy education. Demonstrating that the connection between…

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Miccosukee Tribe Section 404 Permitting Program

Miccosukee Tribe Section 404 Permitting Program

The reservation lands of the Miccosukee Tribe lie largely within the Everglades National Park. Development on these lands is subject to elaborate regulations by a host of federal agencies that hindered development and other uses of their lands by the Miccosukee people, including the building of…

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Ak-Chin Community Council Task Force

Ak-Chin Community Council Task Force

Over the past few years, the citizens of the Ak-Chin Indian Community, located south of Phoenix, Arizona, have witnessed the land surrounding their reservation rapidly transform from fields into housing subdivisions. Worried about the impact on the reservation, the Ak-Chin Indian Community…

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Gila River Telecommunications, Inc.

Gila River Telecommunications, Inc.

Recognizing the need for affordable and reliable telecommunications services, the Tribe founded Gila River Telecommunications, Inc. (GRTI) in 1988. A pioneer in telecommunications in Indian Country, GRTI offers affordable landline phone service, dial-up and DSL Internet service, and satellite…

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The Hopi Land Team

The Hopi Land Team

Reclaiming traditional lands has been a primary concern of the Hopi Tribe for the last century. In 1996, significant land purchases became possible under the terms of a settlement with the United States. The tribal government was faced with the problem of developing a plan for reacquiring lands,…

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Menominee Community Center of Chicago

Menominee Community Center of Chicago

A unique partnership between an urban Indian center and a tribal government, the tribally funded Community Center serves nearly 500 Menominee tribal citizens living in the greater Chicago area. The Center and the tribal government work together to ensure that all of its citizens are actively…

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The Healing Lodge of the Seven Nations

The Healing Lodge of the Seven Nations

Owned by a consortium of seven tribes, the Healing Lodge is a treatment center that helps Native American youth and their families heal from the trauma of alcohol and drug abuse. With a focus on blending culture and spirituality with mental health/chemical dependency treatment, services include in-…

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Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission

Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission

Charged with the overall management of its member tribes’ fisheries resources and advocating for the protection of treaty rights, the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission’s (CRITFC) programs include fisheries enforcement, policy development and litigation support, fish marketing, and…

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Choctaw Health Center

Choctaw Health Center

After transferring all health care decisions from Indian Health Services to tribal control over a ten-year period, the Band significantly improved its health care delivery system. Its state-of-the-art Health Center provides health and dental care, behavioral health care and community health…

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Choctaw Community Injury Prevention Program

Choctaw Community Injury Prevention Program

Responding to alarming rates of preventable accidents on its reservation, the Mississippi Band of Choctaw created a comprehensive community injury prevention program in 2001. Through seat belt and child safety seat campaigns, strict enforcement of motor vehicle laws, and community-wide education…

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Umatilla Homeownership: Financial, Credit and Consumer Protection Program

Umatilla Homeownership: Financial, Credit and Consumer Protection Program

Recognizing the necessary links between promoting a strong economy, maintaining positive cultural connections, and the ability to own a home, the Umatilla Housing Authority promotes the "Wapayatat" Homeownership: Financial, Credit and Consumer Protection Program. The seven-week course provides…

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Coeur d'Alene Tribal Wellness Center

Coeur d'Alene Tribal Wellness Center

Created in 1998, the Wellness Center aims to promote healthy lifestyles by offering programs in fitness, aquatics, rehabilitation, childcare, and community health to 3,000 Indian and non-Indian clients. By employing the medicine wheel, or whole-life, approach to health and by focusing on…

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Two Approaches to Economic Development on American Indian Reservations: One Works, the Other Doesn't

Two Approaches to Economic Development on American Indian Reservations: One Works, the Other Doesn't

As much of the world knows, American Indian nations are poor. What much of the world doesn't know is that in the last quarter century, a number of these nations have broken away from the prevailing pattern of poverty. They have moved aggressively to take control of their futures and rebuild their…

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History's Lesson for HUD and Tribes

History's Lesson for HUD and Tribes

In 1998, Indian housing entered a new era. HUD ended its practice of channeling funds for Washington-designed Indian housing programs to HUD-sponsored local Indian Housing Authorities (IHAs) and converted programmatic funds into block grants to tribal housing agencies, which were allowed to design…

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Reloading the Dice: Improving the Chances for Economic Development on American Indian Reservations

Reloading the Dice: Improving the Chances for Economic Development on American Indian Reservations

The experiences of a wide array of societies around the world amply demonstrate that achieving sustained, self-determined economic development is a complex and difficult task. Certainly this is the case on the Indian reservations of the United States, where numerous obstacles face tribal leaders,…

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Alaska Native Self-Government and Service Delivery- What Works

Alaska Native Self-Government and Service Delivery: What Works?

The Native peoples of Alaska have governed themselves for far longer than either the State of Alaska or the United States. Indeed, their rights of self-government are properly defended as basic human rights that are not unilaterally extinguishable by these other governments. Yet, today an…

Sovereignty and Nation-Building: The Development Challenge in Indian Country Today

Sovereignty and Nation-Building: The Development Challenge in Indian Country Today

The Indian nations of the United States face a rare opportunity. This is not the occasional business opportunity of reservation legend, when some eager investor would arrive at tribal offices with a proposal guaranteed to produce millions of dollars for the tribe--although such investors still…