Economic and Community Development

Food Sovereignty Assessment Tool

Food Sovereignty Assessment Tool

There are many assets related to Native food systems. Increased consumption of healthy and traditional foods may lead to better health among community members, preserving one of the most important assets in any community, its people. Of course, healthy, productive people are a cornerstone of any…

Feeding Ourselves: Food Access, Health Disparities, and the Pathways to Healthy Native American Communities

Feeding Ourselves: Food Access, Health Disparities, and the Pathways to Healthy Native American Communities

Echo Hawk Consulting, headed by Crystal Echo Hawk, released today a comprehensive report on the state of food access in Native American communities, and the resulting health disparities in Native Americans. The report--commissioned by the American Heart Association (AHA) and its Voices for Healthy…

Enabling the Data Revolution: An International Open Data Roadmap

Enabling the Data Revolution: An International Open Data Roadmap

Open data in the context of indigenous peoples and communities can be understood as a double-edged sword. On the one hand, open data can help indigenous communities, both internally and externally. Internally, it can be used to inform policy, allocate resources, and set a vision for indigenous…

How Does Household Income Affect Child Personality Traits and Behaviors?How Does Household Income Affect Child Personality Traits and Behaviors

How Does Household Income Affect Child Personality Traits and Behaviors?

Existing research has investigated the effect of early childhood educational interventions on the child's later-life outcomes. These studies have found limited impact of supplementary programs on children's cognitive skills, but sustained effects on personality traits. We examine how a positive…

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New Zealand's Constitution: A Report on a Conversation

New Zealand's Constitution: A Report on a Conversation He Kotuinga Korero mo Te Kaupapa Ture o Aotearoa

The appointment of the Constitutional Advisory Panel in August 2011 was another step in a longer and continuing conversation about how to govern the people, land and resources of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Panel was appointed as part of the Consideration of Constitutional Issues, which was agreed to…

Land and Indigenous business development in Canada

Land and Indigenous Business Development in Canada

Indigenous Business in Canada addresses contemporary concerns and issues in the doing of Aboriginal business in Canada, reveals some of the challenges and diverse approaches to business in indigenous contexts from coast to coast to coast, and demonstrates the direct impact that history and…

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Critical junctures and economic development

Critical junctures and economic development - evidence from the adoption of constitutions among American Indian nations

Utilizing a novel data set on American Indian Nations, we investigate how conditions at critical junctures of development can have long-lasting economic effects. We investigate the effect of the party of the US President at the time when American Indian tribes adopt a written constitution for the…

Reframing Return on Investments for Tribal Colleges and Universities: Aligning Analyses with Tribal Priorities and Educational Missions

Reframing return on investments for tribal colleges and universities: Aligning analyses with tribal priorities and educational missions

TCUs serve dual missions: educating students and addressing American Indian tribal priorities. Due to this unique status, mainstream ROI metrics fail to fully align with TCU missions. This paper critiques mainstream measures of ROI in the tribal context and provides insights into alternative ROI…

The Standing Rock Next Generation Plan

The Standing Rock Next Generation Plan

The Standing Rock Government is engaging in strategic planning. The Standing Rock strategic/government planning model differs from traditional planning models in that it defines 25 years as long term goals, 10 and 5 years as mid-term goals and takes into account the unique dynamics of the…

Native Entrepreneurship in South Dakota: A Deeper Look

Native Entrepreneurship in South Dakota: A Deeper Look

Native Entrepreneurship in South Dakota: a Deeper Look is designed to raise the profile of Native entrepreneurship in South Dakota and offer lessons for policymakers, foundations, tribes, and non-profits in developing effective policies and strategies. The research identified the following key…

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Forwarding First Nation Goals Through Enterprise Ownership- The Mikisew Group Of Companies

Forwarding First Nation Goals Through Enterprise Ownership: The Mikisew Group Of Companies

The Mikisew Group of Companies (Mikisew Group) is the business arm of the Mikisew Cree First Nation (MCFN). Founded in 1991 using monies from a $26.6 million land claim settlement with the governments of Alberta and Canada, it has achieved remarkable success. This success is evident in the wide…

Traditional Governance: A Case Study of the Osoyoos Indian Band and Application of Okanagan Leadership Principles

Traditional Governance: A Case Study of the Osoyoos Indian Band and Application of Okanagan Leadership Principles

There are traditional Okanagan governance and leadership principles and guidelines that have been informed through language terms and traditional stories. These have been interpreted and taught to us by our elders of the Okanagan Nation. Five principles of traditional Okanagan leadership will be…

Social and Economic Change on American Indian Reservations: A Databook of the US Censuses and the American Community Survey 1990 – 2010

Social and Economic Change on American Indian Reservations: A Databook of the US Censuses and the American Community Survey 1990-2010

The fortunes of Indians on reservations continue to lag those of other racial and ethnic groups tracked by the census in the United States. The per capita income of Indians on reservations, for example, has been less than half the US average, consistently falling far below that of Hispanics,…

Valuing Tradition: Governance, Cultural Match, and the BC Treaty Process

Valuing Tradition: Governance, Cultural Match, and the BC Treaty Process

Self-governance negotiations are an integral part of British Columbia's modern day treaty process. At some treaty tables, impasses have resulted from differences on how to include traditional First Nations governance within treaty. Although some First Nations are determined to pursue traditional…

The Strategic Power of Data: A Key Aspect of Sovereignty

The Strategic Power of Data: A Key Aspect of Sovereignty

The lack of good data about U.S. American Indian and Alaska Native populations hinders tribes’ development activities, but it also highlights a space for sovereign action. In coming years, tribes will no doubt continue to advocate for better national data and at the same time increasingly implement…

Tribal Per Capita Poverty–How About Disenrollment Bankruptcy?

Tribal Per Capita Poverty - How About Disenrollment Bankruptcy?

“In November, a [Las Vegas] Review-Journal reporter and photographer encountered one of the disenrolled, 52-year-old Darla Hatcher, sleeping with her meager belongings in front of an upholstery shop in the homeless corridor. By way of introduction, she gestured toward nearby tribal land and said: “…

Sovereignty, Economic Development, and Human Security in Native American Nations

Sovereignty, Economic Development, and Human Security in Native American Nations

This study explores elements of the sovereignty dynamic in the government-to-government relationship between the United States and Native American nations to assess 1) what benefits Tribal communities glean from this unique relationship; and 2) whether enhanced Tribal sovereignty can enhance…

Tribal Nations and the United States: An Introduction

Tribal Nations and the United States: An Introduction

Tens of millions of Indigenous peoples inhabited North America, and governed their complex societies, long before European governments sent explorers to seize lands and resources from the continent and its inhabitants. These foreign European governments interacted with tribes in diplomacy, commerce…

In Defense of Tribal Sovereign Immunity: A Pragmatic Look at the Doctrine as a Tool for Strengthening Tribal Courts

In Defense of Tribal Sovereign Immunity: A Pragmatic Look at the Doctrine as a Tool for Strengthening Tribal Courts

Although the doctrine of tribal sovereign immunity was recently upheld by the Supreme Court in Michigan v. Bay Mills Indian Community, its existence continues to be attacked as antiquated and leading to unfair results. While most defenses of tribal sovereign immunity focus on how the doctrine is a…

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On Improving Tribal-Corporate Relations In The Mining Sector: A White Paper on Strategies for Both Sides of the Table

On Improving Tribal-Corporate Relations In The Mining Sector: A White Paper on Strategies for Both Sides of the Table

Mining everywhere is inherently controversial. By its very nature, it poses hard economic, environmental, and social tradeoffs. Depending on the nature of the resource and its location, to greater or lesser degrees, the mining process necessarily disturbs environments, alters landscapes, and…