Principles of Indigenous Data Governance


Indigenous data, whether collected by national governments and institutions or gathered by Indigenous Peoples themselves, are integral for: decision-making; the exercise of collective rights to self-determination; the affirmation and application of Indigenous epistemologies; and fulfilling responsibilities to Indigenous Peoples, nations, communities, and human, spiritual, and non-human relations. Indigenous data include knowledge and information on and about Indigenous Peoples in any format, including cultural heritage embedded in languages, knowledges, practices, technologies, natural resources, waters, and territories. Indigenous data sovereignty asserts the rights of Indigenous Peoples and nations to govern the meaning, collection, ownership, and application of these data about their peoples, lands, cultural practices, and resources. Indigenous data governance enacts Indigenous data sovereignty, providing mechanisms for ensuring Indigenous Peoples’ rights and interests are reflected in data policies and practices.

Native Nations
Resource Type

United States Indigenous Data Sovereignty Network. (February 2020). “Principles of Indigenous Data Governance.”

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