5.1 The government of the Teslin Tlingit Council shall be based upon the traditional Clan system of government.
5.2 The citizenship and organization of each Clan shall be determined by the customs inherited and observed by the Clan and acknowledged by the other Clans.
5.3 Each Clan has a Leader and other Elders recognized as such by the Clan membership.
5.4 Each Clan shall maintain an up-to-date list of its members and shall keep a copy of this list posted in the Longhouse or other recognized public place.
5.5 The Teslin Tlingit Clans have emblems, which are a part of their tradition, these are as follows:
Daxaweidi Eagle Doug Smarch Sr.
Daishetaan Beaver Watson Smarch
Ishketaan Frog Sam Johnston
Xooxetaan Raven Children Frank Jackson
Yanyeidi Wolf Mathew Thom
Indigenous Governance Database
Teslin Tlingit: Governmental Structure Excerpt: Government
Native Nations
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