
Unlikely Alliances

Unlikely Alliances

In the 2010s, new “unlikely alliances” of Native peoples and their rural white neighbors are standing strong against fossil fuel and mining projects. In the Great Plains, grassroots coalitions of Native peoples and white ranchers and farmers (including the aptly named “Cowboy and Indian Alliance”)…

Indian Identity, Choice and Change: What Do You Choose?

Indian Identity, Choice and Change: What Do You Choose?

Indigenous individuals and nations are faced with choices about identity, change and cultural continuity. The choices are not just mere faddish expressions but are deep decisions about culture, community, philosophy and personal and national futures. Many indigenous communities are divided over…

Indian Country Today Article

Indian Self-Determination and Sovereignty

If ever a concept grabbed hold of hearts and minds in Indian country in the past couple decades surely it would be that of sovereignty. Native people talk about it with reverence, demanding that it be respected by the federal government, and expect their tribal governments to assert it. Even the…

Web Extra: American Indians Confront 'Savage Anxieties

Web Extra: American Indians Confront 'Savage Anxieties'

This week Bill speaks with legal expert Robert A. Williams Jr. about how stereotypes of American Indians have been codified into laws and government policies, with devastating consequences. In this web extra, Bill speaks with Williams about why none of the Supreme Court justices “wants Indian cases…


Stronger Ethics, Stronger Research: Tribal Governance as a Key Community Health Speaker

2015 CRCAIH Summit Keynote Address by Dr. Malia Villegas, National Congress of American Indians, Policy Research Center. 


Tribal Sovereignty: The Right to Self-Rule

This is an excerpt of a longer educational DVD produced to answer frequently asked questions about American Indian tribal governments and the roots of tribal sovereignty. Among other things, it discusses the U.S. Constitution's explicit acknowledgement of tribal sovereignty and Native peoples as…


Native Nation Rebuilders Speak

Participants in the Bush Foundation's Native Nation Rebuilders Program offer their personal perspectives on nation building and share their experiences in the program.

Native American Lands and the Supreme Court

Native American Lands and the Supreme Court

Tribal judge and legal scholar Angela Riley (Citizen Potawatomi) spoke in the U.S. Supreme Court chamber about the history of the Supreme Court and Native American lands. The lecture was one in a series hosted by the Supreme Court Historical Society on the Constitution, the Supreme Court, and…


Gregory Cajete: Rebuilding Sustainable Indigenous Communities: Applying Native Science

Dr. Gregory Cajete spoke as part of the "Alternative Forms of Knowledge Construction in Mathematics and Science" lecture series in Portland, Oregon which is co-sponsored by Portland State University and Portland Community College. The series features guest speakers who examine forms of mathematical…

UA Institute Helps Native Nations Rebuild, Maintain Government

UA Institute Helps Native Nations Rebuild, Maintain Government

An institute at the University of Arizona is focused on rebuilding government structures in Native nations by research and outreach offered through online courses and more. The UA Native Nations Institute has been working toward its goal of helping the Native governments for nearly 30 years,…


Tribal Nations - The Story of Federal Indian Law

"Tribal Nations - The Story of Federal Indian Law" and discusses how the U.S. Supreme Court has handled Indian sovereignty over the past 50 years.


NCAI - Footprints into the Future - 68th Annual Convention and Marketplace in Portland, Oregon

The National Congress of American Indians, founded in 1944, is the oldest, largest and most representative American Indian and Alaska Native organization serving the broad interests of tribal governments and communities. NCAI has grown over the years from its modest beginnings of 100 people to…

Native Report: Season 5: Episode 4

Native Report: Season 5: Episode 4

Come with us as we visit the Embassy of Tribal Nations in Washington, D.C., and talk with National Congress of American Indians President Jefferson Keel about its significance. We'll also meet Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs Larry Echohawk about his first year in office. Then we'll sit down…

Native Report: Jodi Gillette

Native Report: Jodi Gillette

On this edition of Native Report meet Jodi Gillette, Deputy Associate Director with the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs. (Segment placement: 18:45-25:32)

Native Report: Bush Foundation: Native Nation Rebuilders

Native Report: Bush Foundation: Native Nation Rebuilders

On this edition of Native Report learn about the Bush Foundation's investment in sustaining the vitality of 23 Native communities across Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota. (Segment placement: 18:42-25:32)

Native Report: Caricieri Decision

Native Report: Caricieri Decision

Native Report tackles the Caricieri Decision, a complex legal ruling that touches on issues of sovereignty, Indian gaming and the placement of tribal lands into "trust status."


Since Time Immemorial: Tribal Sovereignty in Washington State Curriculum

Welcome to “Since Time Immemorial: Tribal Sovereignty in Washington State,” a ground-breaking curriculum initiative made possible through federal, state, and tribal funding. This project seeks to build lasting educational partnerships between school districts and their local tribes via elementary,…

Supplemental Recommendations of Tribal Leaders on the President’s State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience

Supplemental Recommendations of Tribal Leaders on the President's State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience

Tribes and Alaska Native Villages feel the effects of a changing climate in ways that are unique to their ways of life, geography, and relationships with the Federal Government. According to the National Climate Assessment, “the consequences of observed and projected climate change impacts have and…

President's State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience: Recommendations to the President

President's State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience: Recommendations to the President

As the Third National Climate Assessment makes clear, climate change is already affecting communities in every region of the country as well as key sectors of the economy. Recent events like Hurricane Sandy in the Northeast, flooding throughout the Midwest, and severe drought in the West have…

Food Sovereignty Assessment Tool

Food Sovereignty Assessment Tool

There are many assets related to Native food systems. Increased consumption of healthy and traditional foods may lead to better health among community members, preserving one of the most important assets in any community, its people. Of course, healthy, productive people are a cornerstone of any…