Indigenous Governance Database

IDSov and the silent data revolution: Indigenous Peoples and the decentralized building blocks of web3
This article explores the technology underpinning the decentralized data revolution and encourages Indigenous Peoples (IPs) to secure their Indigenous Data Sovereignty (IDSov) over the Metaverse and Web3. More specifically, this article will survey blockchain technologies, exploring some disturbing…

Healing Our Future: Indigenous Wealth Building for Seven Generations
What does an Indigenous approach to wealth look like? How can Indigenous wealth concepts help us heal our future? What are examples of wealth building happening in Indigenous communities? Native Governance Center's Indigenous Peoples' Day 2021 event, "Healing our future: Indigenous wealth building…

Bankshot Episode 46: Ignored by banks, Indigenous communities build their own financial system
EAGLE BUTTE, S.D. — The Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation is big, but it isn’t as big as it used to be. As seen from the air, the land is an expansive, grayish-brown terrain cracked open by the winding Missouri River with scattered clusters of black dots. On the ground, the dots become cows — so…

Model Tribal Secured Transactions Act
The Model Tribal Secured Transactions Act (MTSTA) is based on the Uniform Commercial Code's (UCC) Article 9 and provides a legal framework for promotion of private business via secured transactions. A secured transaction occurs when a loan is issued and personal property, not real estate, is used…

Creating a Climate of Support for Aboriginal Entrepreneurs
Three First Nations communities formed a partnership with SFU to investigate ways to create a supportive environment for Aboriginal entrepreneurs. This project followed the Western Diversification/Simon Fraser University study (2001) on the information and service needs of Aboriginal entrepreneurs…