CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance


Los Principios CREA para la Gobernanza de Datos Indigenas

The increasing convergence of technology infrastructure and digital connectivity has raised the value of data across the globe. Whether existing knowledge is digitised or new data are ‘born digital’, the impact they have on decision-making, allocation of resources, and innovation is significant. Data have important implications for Indigenous Peoples’ ability to exercise their individual and collective rights to self-determination. Indigenous Peoples are often excluded from decision-making fora and their knowledge marginalised when such knowledge exists only as part of an oral tradition. The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) reaffirms Indigenous rights to self-governance and authority to control their Indigenous cultural heritage embedded in their languages, knowledge, practices, technologies, natural resources, and territories (i.e., Indigenous data). Indigenous data, which include data collected by governments and institutions about Indigenous Peoples and their territories, are intrinsic to Indigenous Peoples’ capacity and capability to realise their human rights and responsibilities to all of creation.

Resource Type

Research Data Alliance International Indigenous Data Sovereignty Interest Group. (September 2019). “CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance.” The Global Indigenous Data Alliance.

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